Saya Norziatul adilah Binti Kamal Ruzi,
Networking ini merupakan satu subjek yang sangat penting pada yang yang merupakan bakal pendidik pada suatu hari nanti. Mengapa saya berkata begini? kerana semua urusan, perkara menggunakan networking atau teknologi. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran juga sekarang ini menggunakan teknologi. Jika saya tidak mempelajarinya saya mungkin tidak tahu. Bukan sahaja itu, malah subjek ini memberi saya banyak ilmu khususnya tentang topology. Selema ini saya ada juga tertanya darimana semua data ini? dan dengan mempelajari subjek ini saya baru tahu. Saya seorang yang boleh dikatakan lemah juga kepada teknologi ini. Hanya tahu menggukannya sahaja tapi tak tahu darimana puncanya dan sebagainya. Walaupun saya tidak mahir dan ada juga yang saya kurang faham dan banyak lagi ilmu yang saya perlu tahu, saya berharap pada suatu hari nanti saya dapat mempelajarinya lebih mendalam lagi. Saya juga ingin meminta maaf kepada Encik Razak kerana lambat mengupdate blog saya. ini disebabkan faktor internet yang sangat lambat dibilik saya dan yang susah untuk mengukses internet. Saya memohon seribu kemaaffan diatas segalanya. Terima kasih En. Razak kerana telah mengajar dan memberi banyak ilmu kepada saya. Doakan saya berjaya dalam pelajaran saya. Terima kasih :)
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Ethics, social and legal issues
Intellectual property rights refer to a general term of the assignment of the property rights through
patents, trademarks and copyrights.
1) Trademarks
A trademarks is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods of service of one interprise from those of others interprises. Trademarks date back to ancient time when craftsmen used to put their signature or "mark" on their product.
2) Copyright
Copyrights is a legal term used to describe the right that creator have over their literary and artistic works. Works covered by copyright range from book, musics, paintings, sculpture and films, to
computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps and technical drawings.
3) Patents
A patent is an exclusive rights granted for an invention. Generally speaking, a patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide how or whether the invention can be used by others. In exchanges for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available in the published patent document.
4) Industrial design rights
Industrial design rights is an intellectual property rights that protects the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of the shape, configuration or composition of pattern and colour in three-dimensional form containing aesthetic value.
1) Akta komunikasi dan multimedia 1998
2) Akta suruhanjaya komunikasi dan multimedia 1997
3) Akta tandatangan digital 1997
4) Akta jenayah komputer 1997
5) Akta teleperubatan 1997
Last but not least, I show you the difference between copyright, trademarks and patent. Enjoy for watching it :)
Intellectual property rights refer to a general term of the assignment of the property rights through
patents, trademarks and copyrights.
1) Trademarks
A trademarks is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods of service of one interprise from those of others interprises. Trademarks date back to ancient time when craftsmen used to put their signature or "mark" on their product.
2) Copyright
Copyrights is a legal term used to describe the right that creator have over their literary and artistic works. Works covered by copyright range from book, musics, paintings, sculpture and films, to
computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps and technical drawings.
3) Patents
A patent is an exclusive rights granted for an invention. Generally speaking, a patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide how or whether the invention can be used by others. In exchanges for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available in the published patent document.
4) Industrial design rights
Industrial design rights is an intellectual property rights that protects the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of the shape, configuration or composition of pattern and colour in three-dimensional form containing aesthetic value.
1) Akta komunikasi dan multimedia 1998
2) Akta suruhanjaya komunikasi dan multimedia 1997
3) Akta tandatangan digital 1997
4) Akta jenayah komputer 1997
5) Akta teleperubatan 1997
Last but not least, I show you the difference between copyright, trademarks and patent. Enjoy for watching it :)
Computer security
What is computer security?
Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
There are 28 types of computer security but the most just several was popular like,
1) Trojan
One of the most complicated threats among all. Most of the popular banking threats
come from the trojan family such as Zeus Spyeye. It has the ability to hide itself from
antivirus detection and steal important banking data to compromise your bank account.
2) Virus
It is malicious program where it replicates itself and aim to destroy a computer. The
ultimate goal of virus is to ensure that the victim's computer will never be able to operate
properly or even at all.
3) Worms
One of the most harmless threats where it is program designed to spread. It does not alter
your system to cause you to have a nightmare with your computer, but it can spread from
one computer to another computer within a network or even the internet.
4) Spyware
Is a malware which is designed to spy on the victim's computer. If you are intected with it,
Probably your daily activities or certain activities will be spied by the spyware and it will
find itself a way to contact the host of this malware.Mostly, the use of this spyware is to
know what your daily activity so that the attacked can use your information.
5) Botnet
Something that is installed by a Botmaster to take control of all the computer bots via the botnet infection. It mostly infect through drive by downloads or even Trojan infection. The result of this threat is the victim's computer, which is the root will be used for a large scale attack like DDos.
what is computer sabotage?
Computer sabotage involved deliberate attacks intended to disable computers or network for the purpose of disrupting commerce, education and recreation for personal gain, committing espionage, or facilitating criminal conspiracies, such as drug and human trafficking.
10 step to prevent internet sabotage:
1) Do not put sensitive information on a PC running windows that is always directly
connected to the internet through a fiber optic or DSL line.
2) Put a properly configured firewall between your office machines and the internet. A
firewall will keep outsider from seeing or poking into your office machines, especially
when you're are not around.
3) Keep your own website completely separate from your sensitive business information.
4) Never download and run a program from the web or received as an email attachment
unless it come from a reputable source and you have good reason to run it.
5) Don't use internet file transfer protocol "telnet" or "ftp". These internet procedures send
password used to log onto remote servers in clear text over the internet.
6) Regularly use available virus scanner such as Norton antivirus to catch bugs that make it
into your system.
7) configure your PC not to boot from a floppy disk or CD, which all too often harbor virus.
Always start up directly from the hard drive,
8) Get the system pro to verify your setup is secure.
9) If suppliers are attacked and cut off, be sure you have fall-back arrangements with other
suppliers o ensure your business isn't interrupted.
10) Review your business interruption insurance policy and be sure it doesn't explicitly
exclude cyber or e-terrorism as causes of loss.
How to secure your computer?
1) Keep your computer up to date.
2)Use a firewall
3) Run antivirus on your computer
4)Use a router to share an internet connection
5) Don't stay logged on as an administrator
6) Use a network security keys
Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
There are 28 types of computer security but the most just several was popular like,
1) Trojan
One of the most complicated threats among all. Most of the popular banking threats
come from the trojan family such as Zeus Spyeye. It has the ability to hide itself from
antivirus detection and steal important banking data to compromise your bank account.
2) Virus
It is malicious program where it replicates itself and aim to destroy a computer. The
ultimate goal of virus is to ensure that the victim's computer will never be able to operate
properly or even at all.
3) Worms
One of the most harmless threats where it is program designed to spread. It does not alter
your system to cause you to have a nightmare with your computer, but it can spread from
one computer to another computer within a network or even the internet.
4) Spyware
Is a malware which is designed to spy on the victim's computer. If you are intected with it,
Probably your daily activities or certain activities will be spied by the spyware and it will
find itself a way to contact the host of this malware.Mostly, the use of this spyware is to
know what your daily activity so that the attacked can use your information.
5) Botnet
Something that is installed by a Botmaster to take control of all the computer bots via the botnet infection. It mostly infect through drive by downloads or even Trojan infection. The result of this threat is the victim's computer, which is the root will be used for a large scale attack like DDos.
what is computer sabotage?
Computer sabotage involved deliberate attacks intended to disable computers or network for the purpose of disrupting commerce, education and recreation for personal gain, committing espionage, or facilitating criminal conspiracies, such as drug and human trafficking.
10 step to prevent internet sabotage:
1) Do not put sensitive information on a PC running windows that is always directly
connected to the internet through a fiber optic or DSL line.
2) Put a properly configured firewall between your office machines and the internet. A
firewall will keep outsider from seeing or poking into your office machines, especially
when you're are not around.
3) Keep your own website completely separate from your sensitive business information.
4) Never download and run a program from the web or received as an email attachment
unless it come from a reputable source and you have good reason to run it.
5) Don't use internet file transfer protocol "telnet" or "ftp". These internet procedures send
password used to log onto remote servers in clear text over the internet.
6) Regularly use available virus scanner such as Norton antivirus to catch bugs that make it
into your system.
7) configure your PC not to boot from a floppy disk or CD, which all too often harbor virus.
Always start up directly from the hard drive,
8) Get the system pro to verify your setup is secure.
9) If suppliers are attacked and cut off, be sure you have fall-back arrangements with other
suppliers o ensure your business isn't interrupted.
10) Review your business interruption insurance policy and be sure it doesn't explicitly
exclude cyber or e-terrorism as causes of loss.
How to secure your computer?
1) Keep your computer up to date.
2)Use a firewall
3) Run antivirus on your computer
4)Use a router to share an internet connection
5) Don't stay logged on as an administrator
6) Use a network security keys
Basic Web Development
Merupakan satu proses konsep, perancangan,
perstrukturan dan penyampaian kandungan media melalui internet menggunakan
teknologi berkaitan yang dapat dipaparkan semula oleh laman web.
HTML singkatan dari Hyper Text Markup Language.
Merupakan bahasa standard programmer untuk
membuat satu halaman web yang terdiri dari kod-kod singkatan tertentu, dimana
dengan kod tersebut akan memerintah web brower untuk menampilkan halaman web
yang terdiri pelbagai format antaranya menampilkan seperti text, grafik,
animasi, audio ataupun video.
Contoh web brower yang kita dapat lihat adalah
internet explorer, Mozilla firefox, google crome dan lain-lain.
Untuk menulis kod-kod tersebut memerlukan editor
seperti Notepad, Word pad contoh kod yang di maksudkan adalah seperti ini :-
<title>Titel Website</title>
Ini adalah dokumen
Untuk membuat halaman Web.
Semua elemen head diletakkan disini, apa yang anda tulis di kurungan
ini tidak akan ditampilkan atau terlihat. Elemen didalam head tag termasuk
script, meta informasi, memerintahkan browser dimana untuk membuat style
Menampilkan judul di title bar
Apa yang anda tulis disini akan terlihat dan ditampilkan pada browser
Menebalkan huruf teks
Membuat tulisan dalam model italics
Membuat garisan bawah teks
Membuat garisan ditengah teks
Membuat struktur ayat di posisi tengah laman web
Heading 1, Heading 2
Membuat line baru
Membuat garisan Horizontal pada laman web
Maksud singkatan dalam membuat
laman web
<b> maksud "bold"
<i> maksud "italics"
<em> maksud "emphasis"
<u> maksud "underline"
<h1> maksud "heading 1"
<br> maksud "break"
<p> maksud "paragraph"
<hr> maksud "horizontal"
<ul> maksud "unordered list"
<ol> maksud "ordered list"
Internet Application
Internet Applacation is a Web application that has many of the characteristics of desktop application software, typically delivered by way of a site-specific browser, a browser plug-in, an independent sandbox, extensive use of JavaScript, or a virtua.
There are application such as e-mail, instant messaging, chat,and others. This all social networking make us easily connected each other. but what is actually social networking means??
Social networking is any sites that creates a community of individuals who can communicate with each other. What are the examples of social networking?? There are application such as facebook, youtube, myspace and others. And the famous application now is whatsapp where many people use it.
We need this kind of social networking to communicate with our friends, to learn new things and for business marketing tool if we want to create a business.
Besides, i learned today that there is also application for online shopping and investing such as CIMBclicks, PayPal and others. We can use this kind of application to pay bills, buy and sell products.
PayPal |
CIMB clicks |
All this kind of application, we can choose the best way to complete our task. For an example, if we want to have a discussion with our friends, there is application such as blog that we can use. For me, all this type of application make us more easy to do our task and work .
Email Application
First of all, we must know what is email application.
Email application is an application that runs on a personal computer or workstation and enables you to send, receive and organize e-mail. It's called a client because e-mail systems are based on a client-server architecture. Mail is sent from many clients to a central server, which re-routes the mail to its intended destination.
Before you launch an email client, you need information from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to configure the client properly. The following is a list of important configuration information:
Email application is an application that runs on a personal computer or workstation and enables you to send, receive and organize e-mail. It's called a client because e-mail systems are based on a client-server architecture. Mail is sent from many clients to a central server, which re-routes the mail to its intended destination.
Before you launch an email client, you need information from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to configure the client properly. The following is a list of important configuration information:
- Your email address:
- The email address you use to send and receive mail. This is usually in the form of <yourname>@<>. In this example, <yourname> is your user name and <> is the domain name for your ISP.
- Server type for receiving email:
- In order to receive mail, you must know what type of
server the ISP is using, POP or
POP, short for Post Office Protocol, is used to send email from a mail server to your email client's inbox, the place where incoming email is stored. Most ISP email servers use the POP protocol, although some use the newer IMAP protocol. POP mail is downloaded to your email client directly and does not stay on the server by default (although most email clients can be configured to leave email on the server as well).
IMAP, short for Internet Message Access Protocol, is a protocol for retrieving email messages from your ISP's email server. IMAP differs from POP in that email from IMAP servers are stored on the server and not downloaded to the mail client. - Address for receiving email
- In order to receive mail, you must obtain the address of the POP or IMAP server from your ISP. This address is usually in the form of
- Server type for sending email (SMTP)
- The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) is a protocol for sending email messages between mail
servers. Most email systems use SMTP to send messages over
the Internet; the messages can then be retrieved with an
email client using either POP or IMAP. SMTP is also used to
send messages from a mail client to a mail server. This is
why you need to specify both the POP or IMAP server and the
SMTP server when configuring an email application.
What is email software?
Software for creating, sending, receiving and organizing electronic mail, or email. Modern desktop email clients like Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird offer advanced features for managing email, including WYSIWYG editors for composing email messages, anti-spam and anti-phishing security protection, advanced search capabilities, and rules and filters for more efficiently handling and organizing messages and email folders.
Web Searching
What is web searching?
It is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web(WWW).
In web searching, i learn about web browser. World Wide Web (WWW) is an internet service to display web pages. The definition of web browser is actually a software application used to locate and view Web pages and web 2.0 Programs.
I also learn there is two different ways of information searching
1. search engine
- finds information related to a specific topic
2. subject directory
-classifies web pages in an organized set of categories
Some examples of search engine are :-
1. Google :
2. Yahoo! : www.
Some examples of subject directory :-
1. Academic info :
I can identified also some examples of web browser :-
1. firefox
2. safari
3. Internet Explorer
4. Google Chrome
5. Opera
It is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web(WWW).
In web searching, i learn about web browser. World Wide Web (WWW) is an internet service to display web pages. The definition of web browser is actually a software application used to locate and view Web pages and web 2.0 Programs.
I also learn there is two different ways of information searching
1. search engine
- finds information related to a specific topic
2. subject directory
-classifies web pages in an organized set of categories
Some examples of search engine are :-
1. Google :
2. Yahoo! : www.
Some examples of subject directory :-
1. Academic info :
I can identified also some examples of web browser :-
1. firefox
2. safari
3. Internet Explorer
4. Google Chrome
5. Opera
Sunday, 29 May 2016
What is internet protocol?
The internet protocol(IP) is the method or protocol by which data is send from one computer to another on the internet. Each computer on the internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computer on the internet.
Did you know how internet infrastructure work?
One of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the Internet. In fact, the very name comes from this idea of interconnected networks.
Since its beginning in 1969, the Internet has grown from four host computer systems to tens of millions. However, just because nobody owns the Internet, it doesn't mean it is not monitored and maintained in different ways. The internet society, a non-profit group established in 1992, oversees the formation of the policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet.
The internet protocol(IP) is the method or protocol by which data is send from one computer to another on the internet. Each computer on the internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computer on the internet.
Did you know how internet infrastructure work?
One of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the Internet. In fact, the very name comes from this idea of interconnected networks.
Since its beginning in 1969, the Internet has grown from four host computer systems to tens of millions. However, just because nobody owns the Internet, it doesn't mean it is not monitored and maintained in different ways. The internet society, a non-profit group established in 1992, oversees the formation of the policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet.
The Internet: Computer Network Hierarchy
Connecting a network (PART 2)
Teknologi Wireless
Apa itu teknologi wireless?
Teknologi wireless merupakan rangkaian suara dan data secara global. Ia membenarkan pengguna mewujudkan sambungan wayar di sepanjang jarak, cahaya, frekuensi radio dan infrared digunakan untuk jarak dekat.
Apa itu teknologi wireless?
Teknologi wireless merupakan rangkaian suara dan data secara global. Ia membenarkan pengguna mewujudkan sambungan wayar di sepanjang jarak, cahaya, frekuensi radio dan infrared digunakan untuk jarak dekat.
Isyarat radio wireless digunakan untuk
menghantar data melalui gelombang udara antara peranti, bukannya kabel fizikal.
Tekologi wireless digunakan untuk peralatan IT mudah alih seperti telefon dan
wireless teknologi. Contoh pelatan tanpa wayar adalah seperti komputer mudah
alih, remote televisyen, alat keluli, GPS dan sebagainya.
– jenis teknologi wireless
Penghantaran data tidak menggunakan isyarat
frekuensi radio
Penghantaran data melalui sinar cahaya merah dalam jarak pendek
Kelajuan pemindahan data antara 2400bps kepada
Digunakan untuk radio berkuasa rendah untuk
menghubungkan telefon dan komputer dalam jarak yang pendek.
Dikenali sebagai PAN(personal area network)
Bluetooh mempunyai jaraj kurang dari 10meter
dan kelajuan tidak sampai 1Mbps.
Teknologi WiFi atau WLAN menggunakan standard 802.11b mempunyai kelajuan
transaksi 11 Mbps dengan liputan sehingga 90 meter.
mempunyai kelajuan 54 Mbps tetapi lebih dekat berbanding 802.11b.
3lapisan fizikal untuk WLAN : 2 spesifikasi
frekuensi radio iaitu RF- direct sequence dan frequency hopping spread
spectrum dan 1 infrared (IR)
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan peranti atau
komputer di kawasan rumah atau pejabat
Stabil jarak lebih jauh 75 hingga 125 meter
Merupakan teknologi wireless untuk sambungan
akhir(last mile) yang berada dalam kategori (WAN)
Mempunyai kemampuan menghubungi sehingga 50
kilometer berbanding wifi hanya 90 meter.
Transmisi kelajuan data antara 15 hingga
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan
rangkaian-rangkaian WiFi disuatu kawasan yang luas.
Wireless berkelajuan tinggi dikawasan yang
luas mengikut data yang dilanggani.
Mempunyai kelajuan data 1MHz dan menyokong
data yang lebih besar daripada 1.5 Mbit/s
Mobile phone 1G,2G,3G,4G
1G merupakan
teknologi generasi pertama pada tahun (1980) hanya boleh menghantar suara
melalui transmeter analog.
2G merupakan teknologi pada tahun (1990) boleh menghantar
suara dan sms, mms.
3G teknologi
yang membolehkan untuk menghantar audio, sms, sms, mempunyai video signal dan
boleh melayari internet.
4G teknologi
yang mempunyai high speed internet, quality internet yang lebih baik dari 3G
dan boleh menghantar audio, sms, mms, dan kemudahan internet.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Connecting A Network (PART 1)
There's differences between wired ( physical ) network and wireless network.
wired = use wire, cable, and other tangible materials to send communication signals
wireless = send communication signals through air or space using radio, microwave, and infrared signals
There's some differences between wired and wireless network:-
1. Cost- cost of wired network is less compared to wireless
2. Reliability- The reliability of wireless network is less compared to wired.
3. Mobilit-. Mobility of wireless network is better than wired network.
For wired network, there are several types of cable:-
Coaxial cable
- consist of single copper wire surrounded by at least 3 layers ( 1- insulating material, 2- woven/ braided material, 3- plastic outer coating)
-can be cable over longer distances than twisted pair cable
Fiber Optic Cable
- The core of fiber-optic consists of dozens / hundreds of thin strands of glass/ plastic that use light to transmit signals
- Inside the fiber-optic cable, an insulating glass cladding and protective coating surround each optical fiber
Advantage : Faster data transmission
Disadvantages : cost more than twisted pair and coaxial cable
Twisted Pair Cable
- consists of one or more twisted pair wires bundled together
- each twisted pair wire consists of two separate insulated copper wires that are twisted together
- The wire are twisted together to reduce noise(electrical disturbance)
Next, to connect a network, we need cable connector. There's a cable connecter depends on the type of wire.
Coaxial cable connector
- most common used is Bayonet - Neil - Concelman (BNC) connector.
Fiber optic cable connector
- common type of connector used with fiber optic cable is the ST & SC connector
UTP cable connector
- The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is an RJ-45 connector (RJ=Registered Jack)
After that, we need to know about network hardware and equipment in order to connect a network.
- includes all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other equipment needed to perform data-processing and communications within the network.
Network hardware / equipment
1. File server
-stands at the heart of most networks.
-large amount of RAM and storage space
- fast computer, fast network interface card
-network operating system software resides on this computer, along with any software applications and data files that need to be shared.
2. workstation
-user computers that is connected to a network
- configured with a network interface card, networking software, and the appropriate cables.
-do not necessarily storage capability , files can be saved on the file server.
3. Network interface cards
- provides the physical connection between the network andthe computer workstation.
-major factor in determining the speed and performance of a network
- The three most common network interface connections are
a) Ethernet cards,
b)Local Talk connectors
c)Token Ring cards.
4. concentrator / hubs
- Central connection point
- Transmit all data received to all node connected to the hub
- . Lots of extra network traffic, network less efficient
5. Switch
- Identifies the device on the network for which the data is intended and sends the data to that node only
- Can connect Ethernet, token ring, Fiber Channel or other types of packet switched network segments together to form an internetwork
6. Repeater
- to boost the signal with a device called a repeater. The repeater electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it.
-used when the total length of your network cable exceeds the standards set for the type of cable being used.
- monitors the information traffic on both sides of the network so that it can pass packets of information to the correct location. The bridge manages the traffic to maintain optimum performance on both sides of the network
- keeps information flowing on both sides of the network, but it does not allow unnecessary traffic through.
- Can be used to connect different types of cabling, orphysical topologies. They must be between networks with the same protocol.
8. Routers
-Connectors that used to link different networks
There's differences between wired ( physical ) network and wireless network.
wired = use wire, cable, and other tangible materials to send communication signals
wireless = send communication signals through air or space using radio, microwave, and infrared signals
There's some differences between wired and wireless network:-
1. Cost- cost of wired network is less compared to wireless
2. Reliability- The reliability of wireless network is less compared to wired.
3. Mobilit-. Mobility of wireless network is better than wired network.
For wired network, there are several types of cable:-
Coaxial cable
- consist of single copper wire surrounded by at least 3 layers ( 1- insulating material, 2- woven/ braided material, 3- plastic outer coating)
-can be cable over longer distances than twisted pair cable
Fiber Optic Cable
- The core of fiber-optic consists of dozens / hundreds of thin strands of glass/ plastic that use light to transmit signals
- Inside the fiber-optic cable, an insulating glass cladding and protective coating surround each optical fiber
Advantage : Faster data transmission
Disadvantages : cost more than twisted pair and coaxial cable
- consists of one or more twisted pair wires bundled together
- each twisted pair wire consists of two separate insulated copper wires that are twisted together
- The wire are twisted together to reduce noise(electrical disturbance)
Next, to connect a network, we need cable connector. There's a cable connecter depends on the type of wire.
Coaxial cable connector
- most common used is Bayonet - Neil - Concelman (BNC) connector.
BNC connector |
- common type of connector used with fiber optic cable is the ST & SC connector
ST & SC connector |
- The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is an RJ-45 connector (RJ=Registered Jack)
After that, we need to know about network hardware and equipment in order to connect a network.
- includes all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other equipment needed to perform data-processing and communications within the network.
Network hardware / equipment
1. File server
-stands at the heart of most networks.
-large amount of RAM and storage space
- fast computer, fast network interface card
-network operating system software resides on this computer, along with any software applications and data files that need to be shared.
2. workstation
-user computers that is connected to a network
- configured with a network interface card, networking software, and the appropriate cables.
-do not necessarily storage capability , files can be saved on the file server.
3. Network interface cards
- provides the physical connection between the network andthe computer workstation.
-major factor in determining the speed and performance of a network
- The three most common network interface connections are
a) Ethernet cards,
b)Local Talk connectors
c)Token Ring cards.
4. concentrator / hubs
- Central connection point
- Transmit all data received to all node connected to the hub
- . Lots of extra network traffic, network less efficient
5. Switch
- Identifies the device on the network for which the data is intended and sends the data to that node only
- Can connect Ethernet, token ring, Fiber Channel or other types of packet switched network segments together to form an internetwork
- to boost the signal with a device called a repeater. The repeater electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it.
-used when the total length of your network cable exceeds the standards set for the type of cable being used.
- monitors the information traffic on both sides of the network so that it can pass packets of information to the correct location. The bridge manages the traffic to maintain optimum performance on both sides of the network
- keeps information flowing on both sides of the network, but it does not allow unnecessary traffic through.
- Can be used to connect different types of cabling, orphysical topologies. They must be between networks with the same protocol.
-Connectors that used to link different networks
- translates information from one network to another; it is similar to a super intelligent bridge
- determines the best route to send the data over the Internet.
Here, i put some video for how computer networks connect and work. Enjoy for watcing :)
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